Starting your journey as a franchise owner may be a little intimidating. The initial excitement you experienced when you decided to become a Pokémoto franchisee is still there. But you may also feel a bit nervous and unsure if everything will go as well as you had hoped. These are actually good feelings. They mean you want to succeed. So we’ve gathered a few tips to help you on your path to becoming a Pokemoto franchisee.
When you work for a company, you benefit from leadership close by to help navigate challenges. Once in business for yourself, you don't have that built-in guidance or support. As a Pokémoto franchisee, you don't have to go it alone. Our experienced team stands ready to provide help, advice, and support.
The importance of hiring the right staff cannot be overstated. Exceptional customer service will set your Pokémoto location apart from any competition. When you take the time to hire quality staff, it should more than pay off. Don't settle! Your franchise and customers deserve the best.
At Pokémoto, we offer ample training. Take advantage of every opportunity to deepen your knowledge. Don't stop with us, though. Consider attending relevant external training if you are able. The key with all training is to apply what you learn. All the knowledge in the world won't be effective if you don't put it to use.
As a Pokémoto franchisee, you will receive extensive marketing support. We want to help you stand out. You can take it a step further, however. Make sure you are comfortable talking about your new endeavor to community members. Join the local Chamber of Commerce and attend networking events if possible.
The goal is to ensure people know your retail location is open. While these certainly aren't the only keys to success, they will get you started.
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